Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Pat on the Back

We spend a great deal of time discussing the areas of Paris High School that we would like to improve and rightly so. If we are not getting better we are moving in the wrong direction. However, I fear that we often focus on the need to improve at the expense of failing to recognize teachers that are doing a great job of engaging their students or making the improvements that we are striving to attain.

I am always concerned when I do this that I will leave out some teachers that have done terrific things. I will apologize up front if I slight any of you that are going above and beyond in your classes and I realize that I do not see or hear all things but it seems that not recognizing the many good things I have observed is a greater omission so at he risk of missing something here are some of the congratulations that I think are due (or overdue).

Thank you or well done to:

Brett Block, Mark Thomas and Staci Garzolini-Skelton for stepping in and working with the lunch bunch. You have had many successes with this group this year and it works because of your effort.

Mark Cox for his work on coordinating the emergency plans of the different buildings in the district. This has been a job that will never be considered that important until we need it and then we will all be glad you undertook it.

All the teachers that have served on one of the High Schools That Work committees.

Ernie Wallace and Mark Cox for their air car assignments, Mrs. Earlywine for her Academy Awards lesson, and Brett Block for the work on boat building. I love these assignments because you have kids that are really excited about being able to excel and do some creative things.

Kevin Hibschman for moving students from reworded biographies when they write essays. I like your approach that students have to develop and test a hypothesis with their research.

Doug Happ for making students do more questioning as they undertake experiments. Students are made to discover the best method for carrying out their work instead of simply working through the teachers step by step hand holding.

All of the teachers that have taken on the mentoring program this year and done very special things with your groups. The list here is too long to go name by name but this will be the best thing we ever decided to implement if we continue to improve on a good forst year.

Speaking of the mentoring program, I also want to thank the teachers of the M & M group for the hard work that they put into setting up this program. You all continue to put in countless hours of hard work to pull this together month after month and I want you all to know that if is appreciated and difference making.

Ed for the great work he does on a daily basis keeping this building clean. He as well as the night crew for TBM do a great job.

Cindy and Loretta who keep the office running in spite of the way that Dave and I get in the way.

Heather Seaton for her work on the calendar, Shannon Sherer for the newletter, Mrs. Propst for here work with moviemaker and all of those that have set up blogs (Mr. Ogle, Mrs. Phegley, Ms. Franklin, Mr. Doughan, Mrs. Sherer. Mr. Kirby, Mrs. Witmer, Mr. Lynch and Mr. Musselwhite). These are all great ways to model the use of technology for our students. I especially like it when the students are posting and participating in the conversation.

Carrie Ann Phegley for the online presentation of student work in her Art classes.

The PR committee for the work on the wall of fame that was posted this year. With it right outside my office I get the chance to frequently see the students looking to see those that preceded them.

Ms. Hill for her work presenting technology to the staff and all her hard work in securing grants for the building.

Gary Ochs and Sandra Liebe for the hard work that they put into FFA week and the barnyard last week.

Jayne Brown for placing student after student in jobs

Roger Thomas and the special education staff Mitzie, Pam, Diane, Nancy, and Renae for their work with RTI

Sandy Dahlin for stepping into a midyear opening and filling a void

Karen Earlywine, Mark Cox, Doug Happ, Lindsey Hewitt, Sid Shuler, Lee Smith as well as others that open their classrooms to students before and after school and at lunch in order to provide extra help.

Lori Drake for being willing to step in and help with a student that needed help getting up and down the stairs for most of this year.

Jeff Barnes for the extra time that he has spent with students working with the workkeys program.
Tom Punzelt for the encouraging word that he has for every single person he meets especially our students

Mrs. Pittenger as well as others that have served as an ad hoc guidance counselor to several students.

Denise Craig who has maintained her sanity while collecting a ton of homework, entering all the discipline into the computer and worked daily with a group of students that do not want to be with her as well as Marlene Terrell that oversee this everyday at lunch.

Michelle Smith who tracks over 300 kids everyday for the closed campus lunch as well as Mary Lou and Paula that make sure that these kids are fed daily and the teachers that work lunch duty and interact with those kids every day.

Jami, Marian, and Sandy for developing lessons that included use of the clickers systems in your classes.

Mr. Aydt for all the work you do with the WYSE Team

Jane and Sandy for running the nurse’s office which can be every bit as chaotic as anyplace else in this building.

OK, I am sure that I have overlooked some if not many of the good things being done by staff members……………if so then take it upon yourselves to comment and recognize them. This is, after all, an interactive medium.


Dave Meister said...

**loud applause**

Way to go staff!

What else have you seen this year that could be added?

Anonymous said...

Well, I just have to give a shout out to Sarah, our wondrous librarian. I know I ask her the most ridiculously stupid questions about various computer programs, and she has never rolled her eyes and told me I was an idiot yet! Her book reviews are GREAT. I use them to buy books for my daughter, and I try to remember what Sarah has liked when I am buying for myself. She has purchased books that the kids want to read for our shelves.

Sarah = awesome, and she didn't even have to pay me to write this!

Mrs. Wilson said...

I would like to say that my student teacher Amber Redman has done a wonderful job with the kids in my classes. She has really put in lots of extra time and effort to make sure that she is prepared.As an added bonus she really enjoys what she is doing!

vanmeter said...

Thank you Jami, I think that we have had a number of great student teachers this year and I am sorry that I negleted to mention them. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Looking at our great staff, kudos to Mrs. Terrell for keeping our Physical Education department organized, for having our reading assignment prepared for each week, and making sure the department staff is all on the same page. I feel our PE program has made great strides in the past years in the physical development of our students. Our students are receiving more lifetime fitness activities and as we all know: If a person has a very successful life, it doesn't mean anything if he dies of an early age with health problems due to lack of physical activity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time and effort to personally recognize some of the many great teaching things going on this year.
Another special thing we did in our science exploration classes this year was cover an extra 5 topics by allowing the students to be the experts. They choose their topic, investigated it, wrote about it, then gave a class presentation during one class period to the rest of the class. The other students in the class evaluated the presentations and gave positive feedback on how to improve them. EW